Badung - Indonesia's priority in AMOM 2023 is forging ASEAN unity and centrality in shaping the regional order in the Indo-Pacific and countries in the Indo-Pacific to become an anchor for global peace and prosperity, as reflected in the theme of AMOM 2023 namely "Peace, Prosperity And Security".
This was conveyed by the Operations Assistant to the TNI Commander, Maj. Gen. Muhammad Nur Rahmad as Chair of the 13th AMOM in 2023 during the opening ceremony of the 13th ASEAN Military Operations Meeting in 2023 which was attended by the Heads of Delegations who are members of ASEAN countries, on Monday (5/6/2023) at the Sofitel Hotel, Nusa Dua, Badung Regency, Bali Province.
Furthermore, the Asops Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces said, this year's AMOM is proof that we are still standing together towards our commitment to increasing military cooperation and regional defense diplomacy. Therefore, the Asops Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces hopes to continue and strengthen cooperation within the framework of the ASEAN Military Operations Meeting.
After the opening ceremony, several agenda activities were carried out, namely submissions from State Delegations, discussion of AMOM's future work plans and also the handover of the position of the next AMOM Chairman, namely from Major General TNI Muhammad Nur Rahmad to Brigadier General Sonethong Keolorkham (Director General Of Military Operations Department , LPA).
Ending the event, the Asops Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces as Chair of the 13th AMOM expressed his apologies if during the meeting and visit in Bali there were things that were not pleasing and hopefully at the 14th AMOM meeting in Laos we can all meet.
"I also wish the best for Brigadier General Sonethong Keolorkham and the Lao Armed Forces as Chair of the 14th AMOM," concluded the Asops Commander of the TNI.
For information, during the 13th AMOM which was held from 3 to 6 June 2023 in Bali Province which is the territorial area of Kodam IX/Udayana. Making the TNI, in this case Kodam IX/Udayana, aside from supporting the smooth running of the activity, also participate in securing the AMOM participants. (Pendam IX/Udy)
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